Tag: holidays

2010 Year End – Kitty Wiggles

Since the end of the year is the traditional time to reflect (which, whether it is at New Years or some other time, it is always good to look back and reflect), I have been thinking about 2010 quite a bit today.

It has been difficult to figure out how to really sum up this year, since, looking back, it has been one of the more unique years of my life. The best way I could think of is that it was the year of kitty wiggles. Continue reading “2010 Year End – Kitty Wiggles”

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

5 am.

Woken up at 5am by… Diana. She was standing next to the bed with a line of children behind her, shaking my foot asking “Can we get up now? Can we? Can we?”

But it has been wonderful so far. Yesterday was great to see my family, although my mom is in a lot of trouble. Let’s just say that the buckeyes turned out just fine. I wonder how many of our exchanges 8-10 buckeyes are? 😉 Just teasing, they taste grand, and thankfully are almost gone.

It’s time for Ella and I to help Owen finish up his Lego project, then get in shower and head off to Diana’s parents. There has been a request for Rock Band to accompany us, so it should be a fun time there as well.

Happy holidays to everyone!